Former Senegal and PSG defender Jean-Pierre Adams has died aged 73. The defender who has been in Coma since 1982 died this Monday at the Intensive Care Unit of the Nimes Hospital in France.
Jean-Pierre Adams tore a ligament, and in an attempt to lure him to sleep for surgery, the anaesthetist gave him an overdose of anesthesia in 1982.
The unfortunate incident happened at the Edouard Herriot hospital in Lyon. This act took half life out of the player who since suffered from bronchospasm till his death today.
A $815 fine was levied on the anesthetist and trainee, including a one month suspension that was effective but couldn’t get near the pains inflicted on this one time great, and courageous center back.
The former French/Senagalese Center back, Jean Pierre Adams stayed in a state for 39 years before his demise this Monday.
The former PSG man was just too solid at the back, that in the 1970s his partnership with Marius Tresor was called ‘Le garde noire (black guard).
He leaves behind his wife, Bernadette and his two sons to mourn him.