Slap Fighting is a combat sport, or at least, a self-proclaimed combat sport.
The origins of slap fighting are rather blurry but the concept itself has been a long-time practice and has had its place in popular media.
According to the Mr. Abdullrahman Orosanya the Executive Director of TKK Sport the Promoter of SlapFight Nigeria, SlapFight competitive style tournaments are much more modern.
The era of modern slap fighting popularity was ushered in by Russian tournaments 2010 that pitted competitors against each other in competition.
Presently the championship is holding in the USA, Britain, Poland, Russia and South Africa with Nigeria been the newest bride,
He stated that plans are in to gear for the inaugural championship holding in Lagos state in October while the title fight is slated for December 2021 also in Lagos, the competition will be in four categories: Middleweight, Light Heavyweight, Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight
On the rules of the fight, the Directors said that rules of the competition are simple; Fighters compete with each other on the principles of the knockout stage, two men stand face to face and take turns slapping one another with bare hands and no head protection, the competitors take turns to slap one another hard around the face on the cheek with an open hand. The win is decided by a knock-out or a judge’s verdict. One of the principal rules is that only the upper part of the palm can be used to strike only the cheek, without touching the jaw, temple or ear of the opponent. The championship is open to all athletes world-class competitors, high-profile influencers, and smack-talking rivals give and take their best shot to settle beefs and win the hard way.
The Technical Director of SlapFight Nigeria added that there will be a virtual training for both athletes and official preceding the championship to build the capacity of participants on the rules, modern fighting techniques and other new development in the SlapFight sport
The resource team will be led by Mr, J T Tilley form SlapFight Championship supported by coaches, instructors and athletes from SlapFight and world SlapFight Alliance

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